Triple Point Training

PLAN so things go right.
TRAIN for when they don't.

Courses with Luc Mehl 

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Courses with Luc Mehl 

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As seen in:

Wilderness Risk Management

& Trip Planning 

Start & End at Home


WILD ICE! Online course
Ice Rescue Training
An Introduction to 'Wild' Ice


Packrafting & Rescue Training
Paddle Up a Level: Online course


I work for the Alaska Avalanche School

I have taken several hands-on courses in my life, over 50, and this was the best training I have had.

-Baird, Fairbanks

Wild Ice! gave me specific things to think about rather than just panicking when my partner broke through — like the 1-10-1 rule. I knew there was time to get rescue help if I had to do that.

-Charly, Wisconsin

Packrafts for Rescue was our favorite training of the year. Luc's resource knowledge and educational style are amazing. Highly recommended.

-Dea, Juneau Mountain Rescue


Luc is an award-winning author and educator based in Anchorage, Alaska. Luc's courses combine his formal rescue training, academic background, and hard-earned experience traveling over 10,000 miles through Alaska.

"Triple Point" refers to the interplay of ice, water, and vapor—common ingredients in wilderness risk management!

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